Kitsune Udon July 2, 2014 by ninnikuneko What do you do if you haven’t any money left at the end or as a matter of fact the beginning of the month? You guessed it, it’s time to use up all the food coupons that have been lying…
My innocent BBQ faves June 28, 2014 by ninnikuneko There’s nothing tastier than a bloody steak right off the grill but if you have several BBQ evenings to attend, it’s good to have some variation. Here in Switzerland we have a huge selection of different sausages, some filled with…
Shucky beans, the wizened greens June 13, 2014 by ninnikuneko Today Yesterday I woke up at 5am. My skin is slightly burned and it was too hot to sleep. The last few days have been sunny and all and it finally feels like summer has come (and with it, the…
April on a plate May 9, 2014 by ninnikuneko Und wo wir gerade beim Essen sind, will ich euch meinen Versuch, mich gesund zu ernähren, nicht vorenthalten. Ganz auf Fleisch oder Teigwaren oder sonst was zu verzichten, finde ich, nachdem ich alles ausprobiert habe, ziemlich unsinnig. Bei mir ist…
John Lemon meets the Poppies February 22, 2014 by ninnikuneko Hey there Cutie Pies! How have you been doing all week long? I had some pretty busy days but am looking forward to a few days of snowboarding now! I don’t exactly know why but last week I spontaneously decided…
Happy poppin’ V-day! February 14, 2013 by ninnikuneko Hey there Lovebirdies! :heartame: I know, Valentine’s day is almost over but here’s something for my lovely Readers. :ii: I drew this with the Paper53 app again. I kind of got used to the fact that you have to draw…
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