Kontaktlinsen von MrLens May 12, 2015 by ninnikuneko Gastbeitrag von Silphiroth: Heute kam ich endlich dazu, die Linsen aus dem MrLens-Onlineshop auszuprobieren, nachdem sie bereits mehrere Wochen bei mir bereit lagen. Das Paket mit den Kontaktlinsen war so schnell bei mir, dass ich noch gar nicht meine alten…
High Hopes December 1, 2014 by ninnikuneko Hello December and hello there world! It’s been quite a while. The first semester of law school is demanding as expected and doesn’t leave me with that carefree mind and spirit I need in order to write blog entries. Also,…
Don’t mess with the Swiss! September 15, 2014 by ninnikuneko Although Switzerland is the country of clockworks I’ve never been a watch wearer. But who needs a watch when there’s a clock at every bus or train station, in every class room and on every church tower in town?! My…
The cure for anything… August 4, 2014 by ninnikuneko August is the month of Granita, sunburns and freedom before university starts again. I don’t usually like to go on summer holidays during this month because of the crowded beaches but this year it turned out like this and I…
Things to do on rainy summer days July 22, 2014 by ninnikuneko I really hoped I could skip this entry, but the weather is literally calling for it. I’m dying of boredom and all this rain isn’t exactly lifting up my mood. Instead of warm summer nights, bbqing, mosquito bites and sun…
Close-up: my living space June 30, 2014 by ninnikuneko I remember when I used to think that sharing pictures of one’s home was way to personal, but a few days ago I got an email with a request from IKEA magazine to feature photos of my home in their…
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