EKŌ-House and the Japanese garden

Our trip to Düsseldorf wasn’t only about shopping and eating. On the second day the weather was still nice, so we decided to visit the Ekō-House and the surrounding Japanese garden.

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When we arrived we tried out the two Taketombo (a kind of helicopter made of bamboo that flies up when it’s rapidly spun) we got from a store in the Immermannstrasse. Luckily there weren’t any people, so we had all the park to ouselves. Even if it wasn’t that big or old I appreciated the carfully arranged plants and the atmosphere of the garden.

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The garden hosts a Buddhist temple, a traditional Japanese house and even an international kindergarten. There’s an admission fee for the house and temple but with a student’s card it’s almost free. I first even didn’t want to go inside but I’m glad we did, because in the end I enjoyed it so much that I didn’t want to come out anymore. There’s so much about Japanese houses that you just have to love. It felt great walking over the soft tatami floor with your socks and I wish I could build a house like that one day and live in it.

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We had the whole house to ourselves, so we could roll around on the floor, take pictures and relax while looking outside the slide doors. There was even a cute black cat soaking up the sun on a stone in the middle of the garden. It must have been some kind of kami. The temple was quite impressive too and apparently it’s the only Japanese temple in Europe.

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Visiting the Japanese garden and especially the house made me miss Japan really bad, but I’m planning on going there soon if there isn’t too much interference with my uni exams in January. All in all it was a great experience but it’s never going to replace a real trip to Japan.
Take care and hello October!

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