It seems as spring has finally reached Switzerland! I’m so glad about it! Everywhere you look there are crocuses and snowdrops blooming

Sunday I tried to apply false eyelashes for the first time..(without any good reason..). My attempt was rather humiliating. I know it’s hard to believe but finally it was my boyfriend who attached them . Packed by enthusiasm I decided to dress myself in clothes I would never wear !!(at least not in the city). As little as I wear false eyelashes with tons of makeup.. It was soooo much fun!! Actually I got inspired by Gyaru-Fashion because lately I had seen so many girls wearing that fashion but in the end it came out to be a strange mix of diffrent styles that I then called “Mori-Hippie-Gyaru” hahaha
. I really have to thank my boyfriend for his endurance while taking pictures of me for two hours!!!! (and of cours for applying the lashes..
Here the pictures (taken with the Nikon D 70) with that silly style I hope real Gyarus don’t get to upset while maybe seeing this!! As you may see I’m not that big of a smiler on photographs..I know I should at least try to.. but it looks so fakey (^_^;) I’m a serious woman after all
These are pictures were taken with my smartphone.. that’s why the quality is so bad..

On this one you can see the rice cooker in the background

After the big makeup session I really felt disgusted by all that stuff on my face and I finished with a Clay-Mask


:hionigiri:Hey! Yours so pretty I really like the secound to last. I like your look though in the futur I probably wouldnt wear black with that color combo but the outfit looks cute and comfy! Also with Gyaru its mostly about the make up for us western girls so think eyes, nails and hair. Your make up looks great and its cute your bf helped but just take it a step more especially with the hear. A cute french braid would look great with your mori look. Also you should try looking up mori gyaru because some Japanese girls do wear that style. Sorry for the long comment. Keep blogging <3 <3 <3
Thank You, so nice of you to write that much!!! I really appreciate it! You are right about the black cardigan :hehe: I couldn’t find anything else to cover my arms (they look so pale right no…:crying:) and the braid idea is great!!!