Polyhaul & Schoolgirl Uniform

Hello Everyone! :jumpingrabbit:
How was your weekend? Did you eat a lot of eggs and chocolate? I spent three days in Lausanne (located in the French-speaking part of Switzerland) for the Polymanga convention. I didn’t eat a lot of chocolate nor eggs but had a great time taking pictures of many amazing cosplayers. :oh:
I made tons of pictures so it’s probably going to take a while to sort them out but I’ll upload some of the most stunning ones to nekoblog as soon as possible!
It was obviously the biggest convention I’ve ever been to but by far not the best one.. :crying:
I’m looking forward to the Jap Ani Manga Night that takes places in May however and to finally meet みほちゃん again~

にゃん~ *nyan* :nyan:

We left head over heels on friday afternoon and I forgot so many things I had planned to bring with me! Even if I had to send back the cosplay costume I had ordered because it had the totally wrong size, I had found some pieces to recreate the look of Serizawa Fumino from Mayoi Neko but I forgot the red skirt and the black stay-ups at home.. :ohno:

I can’t say too many good things about the Polymanga.. I had expected far more and was very disappointed that the program was rather slim. An other irritating thing were the prices and quality of the gadgets you could buy at the stands.. Here is what I managed to find among the enormous amount of carelessly piled stuff..

Not too bad eh? I love the silk belt! :happy:

The staff from Aoi Clothing was pretty nasty though.. He had sold it to me for too much money but I found out and went back! :totorosmile:

I can’t wait to fill this cute little box with yummy and pretty Onigiri! :twinkles:

The story behind this cute, triangle-shaped Onigiri Bento box is quite nice though..
I was looking at the beautiful and well chosen assortment of Bento boxes when I ‘overheard’ (or rather pricked up my ears when I heard the word “BENTO”) a conversation about what the boxes are for.. The lady was trying to explain it to a visitor but I thought that I picture might work better so I whipped out my smartphone.. and- well you probably know what comes next.

Cunning as I am I showed him the picture of my Easter Bunny Bento and when the lady saw it too, she was swept off her feet and showed the pictures to all her co-workers.
The next day I went and bought this cute box and the lady wanted to know the address of my blog and gave me discount on my box saying it was because she knew that it would be used properly. ありがとうございます~ :arigatou:
I will surely visit their shop Sérénité when I get the next chance to go to Lausanne!

Stay tuned for the cosplay picture loaded entry! It’s going to be pretty awesome, whether you like cosplay or not. :wink:

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