Polymanga 2012
Hello Everyone!
I finally managed to sort all the pictures of the Polymanga convention! Remember how I told you that I had a new cam? :oh: Well turns out that it takes some time to adapt to the new one. I’m used to take pictures with my old DSLR (Digital Single-lense Reflex) camera Nikon D70 but the new one is so different! I don’t know if it’s because the Lumix DMC-G1 is a mirrorless DSLR camera or if it’s because I did something wrong with the settings but some of the pictures I took were really bad.. :crying: Most of the pictures you’ll see were taken with the Nikon because I just couldn’t get along with the Lumix. Anyway, that’s enough nerd writing. I hope you’ll enjoy them nevertheless!

I’ll upload the whole images to my deviantART account but I thought that for the blog it would be better not to post too many images so I arranged them in groups. To see the rest of it, read on!

Thank you Lauritachan for inviting me to your home and borrowing me such a beautiful dress! It was so much fun trying them on!! :omnom:
I hope you’re all having a great weekend! Can’t wait to take many pictures of the lovely Lolitas I’ll meet tomorrow!
I finally managed to sort all the pictures of the Polymanga convention! Remember how I told you that I had a new cam? :oh: Well turns out that it takes some time to adapt to the new one. I’m used to take pictures with my old DSLR (Digital Single-lense Reflex) camera Nikon D70 but the new one is so different! I don’t know if it’s because the Lumix DMC-G1 is a mirrorless DSLR camera or if it’s because I did something wrong with the settings but some of the pictures I took were really bad.. :crying: Most of the pictures you’ll see were taken with the Nikon because I just couldn’t get along with the Lumix. Anyway, that’s enough nerd writing. I hope you’ll enjoy them nevertheless!

I’ll upload the whole images to my deviantART account but I thought that for the blog it would be better not to post too many images so I arranged them in groups. To see the rest of it, read on!

The Japanese Rock band TRILL-DAN :bang: They were pretty awesome and so cute!!

yeahyeah, I know, same setting but this time you can see my face and I’m even smiling!
I’m so excited! Tomorrowm I’m going to a Lolita meeting!! Lovely Laurita :heartame: was so kind and offered me to wear one of her clothes so I accepted happily. We met yesterday and I was so amazed by the huge variety of Lolita dresses she has! Even if I’ve been surrounded by Lolita dresses several times I’ve never had the chance to take a closer look at the magnificent details of the prints and lace! I almost fell in love with them a little.. :swirlheart:
Thank you Lauritachan for inviting me to your home and borrowing me such a beautiful dress! It was so much fun trying them on!! :omnom:
I hope you’re all having a great weekend! Can’t wait to take many pictures of the lovely Lolitas I’ll meet tomorrow!

Woooowwwww!! :) So many lovely costumes! Unfortunately I feel a bit behind the times since I don’t recognise a lot of the characters……..
So many scarves and bento boxes too!!! :D
EEEeee!! A lolita meeting?!! You got to borrow a dress?! Wow, I can’t wait to see photos!
Oh my gosh…and I am wondering every year when I join the annual Japan Day in Düsseldorf where all the Manga Fans came from… They are everywhere…
Thanks (^__^)/
Beautiful costumes! I really like that Death note ryuk 8D! And I´m jealous there was so many nice thing what I could´ve bought ;___;
This pictures are amazing. This lolia dress is so so real manga like. Great work! Luv Veronika
So many wonderful photos. Everyone looks incredible. It must have been so much fun! You look adorable in your outfit. Have fun in the lolita dress – can’t wait to see pictures! :]
Wow, so many lovely costumes! I admire cosplayers for all the effort they put in their costumes!!!
You look really good in a japanese uniform!
Some costumes were really awesome! I really like the bentos… Need to buy one!
The Life After
<3 Thanks for sharing these pictures! It looks like a blast. Can't wait to see you as a Loli!
すごーい!There are so many gorgeous costumes!! So as hair! and the japanese fabrics and obento box look amazing too :) xo akiko
hello =)
i am the sandplay gumi and the sandplay luka is my friend , thank you so much for those fotos :) and can i add you on DA?
my DA is: http://chepiru.deviantart.com/
thank you <3
It looks so fun! What I mostly love about convection is the vibe, the mood. Everybody seems so cheerful and nice. They just seemed to have so much fun and it is is so contagious.
@ Jian: hahaha I don’t know most of the costume neither :wink: the meeting was fun!! it was raining really strong though..
@ Andy84: didn’t get you comment :ghihi:
@ Noora: Riyuk was so awesome! Too bad I wasn’t able to take a decent shot of her.. the costume was awesome!!
@ Veronika: Thank youuu~
@ ShyScout: Thank you! hehehe :hehe:
@ Piperita Patty: I know!! They’re amazing!! I wish I was able to sew.. I’m really, really bad at it! :crying:
@ The life after: Yessss!! buy one!!! :D
@ Ava: hahaha nooo I was a really awful Loli!! so no piiics!!
@ Akiko: I liked the Japanese items too! really pretty~
@ nadine: awww you and your friend look gorgeous!! Your costumes are amazing… I didn’t know you played Vocaloid!! Thank you for telling me :blinkheart:
@ Chani: You’re right, the cosplayers are so much fun! I truly admire them!!
awwww I would have wanted to be there hahah
it looks so great!!!
*aww thanks for sharing these pictures*