Polymanga 2012

Hello Everyone!
I finally managed to sort all the pictures of the Polymanga convention! Remember how I told you that I had a new cam? :oh: Well turns out that it takes some time to adapt to the new one. I’m used to take pictures with my old DSLR (Digital Single-lense Reflex) camera Nikon D70 but the new one is so different! I don’t know if it’s because the Lumix DMC-G1 is a mirrorless DSLR camera or if it’s because I did something wrong with the settings but some of the pictures I took were really bad.. :crying: Most of the pictures you’ll see were taken with the Nikon because I just couldn’t get along with the Lumix. Anyway, that’s enough nerd writing. I hope you’ll enjoy them nevertheless!

I’ll upload the whole images to my deviantART account but I thought that for the blog it would be better not to post too many images so I arranged them in groups. To see the rest of it, read on!

The Japanese Rock band TRILL-DAN :bang: They were pretty awesome and so cute!!

yeahyeah, I know, same setting but this time you can see my face and I’m even smiling!
I’m so excited! Tomorrowm I’m going to a Lolita meeting!! Lovely Laurita :heartame: was so kind and offered me to wear one of her clothes so I accepted happily. We met yesterday and I was so amazed by the huge variety of Lolita dresses she has! Even if I’ve been surrounded by Lolita dresses several times I’ve never had the chance to take a closer look at the magnificent details of the prints and lace! I almost fell in love with them a little.. :swirlheart:

Thank you Lauritachan for inviting me to your home and borrowing me such a beautiful dress! It was so much fun trying them on!! :omnom:
I hope you’re all having a great weekend! Can’t wait to take many pictures of the lovely Lolitas I’ll meet tomorrow!

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