High Hopes December 1, 2014 by ninnikuneko Hello December and hello there world! It’s been quite a while. The first semester of law school is demanding as expected and doesn’t leave me with that carefree mind and spirit I need in order to write blog entries. Also,…
Creative minds at Starbucks February 13, 2014 by ninnikuneko Hey there Cutie pies! :heartame: Today I went to my first blogger meeting or more exactly an event hosted by Starbucks to which I got invited by the lovely Laurita. I was quite excited to finally meet some Swiss bloggers…
my Room & lack of personality July 13, 2013 by ninnikuneko Ich bin viel zu perfektionistisch, als dass ich über mein privates Leben schreiben würde. Mein Leben ist nicht perfekt, es ist sogar weit davon weg perfekt zu sein und in meinen Augen ist es auch nicht vorbildlich genug, um es…
Random Compliments June 30, 2013 by ninnikuneko Hey there Beauties & Cuties! :nekopaw: I almost fell off my chair when I saw my ugly picture on Mirjam’s blog :twinkles: Chic & schlau. :twinkles: For those of you who don’t know her, she’s a – I dare to…
Eleven are ten too many March 5, 2013 by ninnikuneko Hey there Bloggers and Readers! :omnom: A few days ago I got nominated by the wonderful and kind :twinkles: Heather :twinkles: from Heathering Heights for the Liebster Blog Award! If you haven’t already, go visit her blog! I’ve been reading…
OSMness Blog Award December 13, 2012 by ninnikuneko Hey there Cuties! :on: I know I wrote that I wouldn’t be able to blog until my exams are over but yesterday something incredibly cute happened! It made me smile for a whole day because it was so totally unexpected…
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