Rolling sushi July 27, 2013 by ninnikuneko Right now I’m sitting on the couch with my hot, ventilating lap top and I’m trying not to die. Actually I’ve spent most of these past days at the lake or river but I just can’t concentrate enough there to…
JapAniManga Night the 12th May 22, 2012 by ninnikuneko Hello people of the blogosphere! :omnom: Before leaving for Moscow I attended the 12th JAN in Winterthur. Luckily the day I went, the weather was nice and there were many awesome cosplayers! I also was glad to finally meet みほちゃん…
Polymanga 2012 April 14, 2012 by ninnikuneko Hello Everyone! I finally managed to sort all the pictures of the Polymanga convention! Remember how I told you that I had a new cam? :oh: Well turns out that it takes some time to adapt to the new one.…
Ninja Bento & Mayoi Neko Cosplay March 3, 2012 by ninnikuneko Hello everyone! How is life treating you? :twinkles: Spring has pretty much arrived and you can see crocuses and snowdrops popping out everywhere! Last weekend the Japan Impact convention took place in Lausanne. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to attend it…
Ghost Princess Perona ☆ミ ゴーストプリンセス ペローナ October 19, 2011 by ninnikuneko Remember my newly found passion for One Piece? Well, I know that I can’t get everyone of you to watch this awesome Anime but at least I can show you one or two of the really special characters. In One…
11th JapAniManga Night May 31, 2011 by ninnikuneko Hey Everbody! Here the picures of the 11th JapAnimanga Night!
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