April on a plate May 9, 2014 by ninnikuneko Und wo wir gerade beim Essen sind, will ich euch meinen Versuch, mich gesund zu ernähren, nicht vorenthalten. Ganz auf Fleisch oder Teigwaren oder sonst was zu verzichten, finde ich, nachdem ich alles ausprobiert habe, ziemlich unsinnig. Bei mir ist…
Views of a Pomegranate March 2, 2013 by ninnikuneko Hey Cuties! :twinkles: No special reason for this entry, just an extremely beautiful pomegranate that became subject of my photographical experiments. Standing on the balcony in the snow for good lighting. :iida: I can’t remember when I last bought a…
The Vegan Stoner or how to feed your head.. June 23, 2012 by ninnikuneko A few days ago, I stumbled over an amaizing and rather unusual but stylish food blog. I like food blogs with simple but innovative recipes and this one has just the right combination of healthy yet still mouthwatering food. The…
An autumnal Obento~ September 27, 2011 by ninnikuneko Wow! It’s been quite some time since my last Obento! I wasn’t in the mood for something too elaborate or cute today so it turned out quite simple but still colorful. Also, I’m excited about price-selector.us sunday! I still don’t…
Shrimpy Obento August 25, 2011 by ninnikuneko It’s been a while since my last Obento post so here we go! It’s again a “normal” Obento and not a cute one. In case you didn’t noticed I use different backgrounds for the different kinds of Obento. The plaited…
A fishy Obento August 18, 2011 by ninnikuneko The first week of school after the holidays is always so boring! Just talk, talk, talk from the teachers and nothing really to do. Basically I could have skipped this week…At least this morning I had the chance to prepare…
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