Things to do on rainy summer days July 22, 2014 by ninnikuneko I really hoped I could skip this entry, but the weather is literally calling for it. I’m dying of boredom and all this rain isn’t exactly lifting up my mood. Instead of warm summer nights, bbqing, mosquito bites and sun…
Close-up: my living space June 30, 2014 by ninnikuneko I remember when I used to think that sharing pictures of one’s home was way to personal, but a few days ago I got an email with a request from IKEA magazine to feature photos of my home in their…
Ikea Babies and a happy cloud April 2, 2014 by ninnikuneko Das Versprechen, keine Plüschtiere mehr zu kaufen, kam irgendwann mal vor 4 Jahren auf Okinawa, wo ich mir mein angeblich letztes Plüschtier, eine Mantaroche aus dem Churaumi Aquarium, kaufte. Natürlich ist es nicht bei diesem letzten Plüschtier geblieben und zur…
Changemaker – Ethik küsst Ästhetik January 28, 2014 by ninnikuneko Hey there cutie pies! :nekopaw: Just recently I came across this super stylish store while strolling through the old town of Zurich where I haven’t been for quite a while. Zurich is crazy expensive and there aren’t so many stores…
A cat can dream vol.2 August 18, 2013 by ninnikuneko Hey guys! :flyusagi: a few days ago I was asking myself the same old questions I’ve been repeatedly asking myself since I started this blog almost three years ago. What should I write about, what are people interested in, do…
The Hürlimann Areal or how to escape the street parade August 11, 2013 by ninnikuneko Gestern war street parade in Zürich, ein Haufen betrunkener und grotesk gekleideter Teenies und Wracks, die sich ihr Gehirn wegsaufen und peinlich benehmen. Ja, ich hasse die street parade. Um ehrlich zu sein, hatte ich erst vor etwa drei Jahren…
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