Hurghada recap. May 27, 2014 by ninnikuneko Obwohl die Sonne schien und es wirklich ziemlich warm war, musste ich trotzdem frösteln, wenn ich aus dem Wasser kam, da es immer stark windete. Das Wasser war weder besonders kalt noch warm, aber der ständige Wind hat mich in…
Spring holiday! …is over April 7, 2013 by ninnikuneko Hello there Readers! Today is actually the last day of my spring holidays. Uni starts tomorrow and there’s still no spring in sight. At this time last year, I was taking pictures of plum and cherry blossoms but this year…
Uni-bento & life September 23, 2012 by ninnikuneko Hello :nekopaw: How was your weekend? Mine was quite tiring and I can’t believe that it’s already over. :ohno: The good thing is that my classes start only at noon. The East Asian history of art classes take place in…
Cats of Moscow May 25, 2012 by ninnikuneko I’m back already! :totorosmile: Originally I had planned to do three entries about Moscow, one for (almost) each day but there are so many pictures that I had to split them even more. Furthermore I just thought that the cats…
Kuroneko Bento May 16, 2012 by ninnikuneko Hello Sunshines! :heartame: How are you doing? Moscow is huge, pretty tough and honestly, I’m happy to come home tomorrow. Nevertheless I’m looking forward to sharing my experiences with you guys! This is a quick and hearty Bento I made…
MewMew Tower ~ つみネコ January 4, 2012 by ninnikuneko Get ready for a load of cuteness!!! As I wrote in my last blog entry I spent the last few days playing silly games on the new iPad. Have you already heard of a game called MewMew Tower? :catexclam: Well…
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