Don’t mess with the Swiss! September 15, 2014 by ninnikuneko Although Switzerland is the country of clockworks I’ve never been a watch wearer. But who needs a watch when there’s a clock at every bus or train station, in every class room and on every church tower in town?! My…
Hauling throughout Japan December 9, 2013 by ninnikuneko Hey there Sweeties! :nekopaw: Although I had promised myself that I would do all the shopping at the end of our stay in Tokyo, I wasn’t exactly able to stick to that plan. The first parcel was sent back to…
Of flowers and dresses April 26, 2013 by ninnikuneko Hey there Cuties! :hionigiri: It’s been a while again, hasn’t it? Thank you so much for the encouraging and honest comments on my last entry. Well not on the Bento part but on the uni related stuff I wrote. I…
Spring holiday! …is over April 7, 2013 by ninnikuneko Hello there Readers! Today is actually the last day of my spring holidays. Uni starts tomorrow and there’s still no spring in sight. At this time last year, I was taking pictures of plum and cherry blossoms but this year…
The 5 faces tag January 21, 2013 by ninnikuneko Hey there Beauties! :ii: It’s been over a week since my last blog entry but I hope you forgive me! Thank you for all the darling comments on the bento and the sketches! Really, it means a lot to me…
New is always better! January 2, 2013 by ninnikuneko Hey there cutie pies! :hionigiri: Here‘s to an eventful 2013! I wish all my Readers the very best for this New Year and hope you had a magic holiday season~ Spindle tree… so pretty :twinkles: How have you been doing…
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