Kontaktlinsen von MrLens May 12, 2015 by ninnikuneko Gastbeitrag von Silphiroth: Heute kam ich endlich dazu, die Linsen aus dem MrLens-Onlineshop auszuprobieren, nachdem sie bereits mehrere Wochen bei mir bereit lagen. Das Paket mit den Kontaktlinsen war so schnell bei mir, dass ich noch gar nicht meine alten…
Don’t mess with the Swiss! September 15, 2014 by ninnikuneko Although Switzerland is the country of clockworks I’ve never been a watch wearer. But who needs a watch when there’s a clock at every bus or train station, in every class room and on every church tower in town?! My…
How to look like an Anime chara – Circle lenses vol. 2 August 26, 2014 by ninnikuneko Hey there Cutie Pies! I hope your August was great and that you enjoyed some sunny days after all. I spent much less time with camping than expected, but more about that and my summer holiday in Italy in the…
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