Things to do on rainy summer days July 22, 2014 by ninnikuneko I really hoped I could skip this entry, but the weather is literally calling for it. I’m dying of boredom and all this rain isn’t exactly lifting up my mood. Instead of warm summer nights, bbqing, mosquito bites and sun…
A cat can dream vol.2 August 18, 2013 by ninnikuneko Hey guys! :flyusagi: a few days ago I was asking myself the same old questions I’ve been repeatedly asking myself since I started this blog almost three years ago. What should I write about, what are people interested in, do…
Oh Japan Lover Me! August 14, 2013 by ninnikuneko Ok, so Japan Lover Me is probably the cutest website I’ve ever come across in the whole world wide web. Their site is structured like a Bento (Japanese lunchbox) with different compartments and is like the pinnacle of kawaiiness! I…
My hideout from the sun August 7, 2013 by ninnikuneko Hey there guys! :newbuddy: Do you ever have days when everything seems to go wrong? Well right now I’m going through such a phase. Yesterday someone hit our car and now the insurance is telling us that apparently it’s a…
Of flowers and dresses April 26, 2013 by ninnikuneko Hey there Cuties! :hionigiri: It’s been a while again, hasn’t it? Thank you so much for the encouraging and honest comments on my last entry. Well not on the Bento part but on the uni related stuff I wrote. I…
Spring holiday! …is over April 7, 2013 by ninnikuneko Hello there Readers! Today is actually the last day of my spring holidays. Uni starts tomorrow and there’s still no spring in sight. At this time last year, I was taking pictures of plum and cherry blossoms but this year…
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